Engineer Saeed Al-Zafzafy, the CEO of the Leader Nurseries Group, was graciously welcomed today by Professor Dr. Hamdy Ibrahim Mahmoud, the Dean of the Faculty, at the Badr Center in the Buhayrah Governorate. The meeting was attended by Professor Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Hadi Hassan, the Executive Director of the Faculty's specialized units, and Dr. Ismail Abu Bakr Abdel Wahab, the Director of the Agricultural Greenhouses Unit within the university campus.
The Dean extended his sincere gratitude and appreciation to Engineer Saeed Al-Zafzafy for his fruitful efforts and productive collaboration in gifting the faculty grafted watermelon seedlings. These seedlings support the achievement of exceptional yields of various pepper hybrids, including the Leader hybrids from Turkey, Top Star hybrids, and different varieties of cucumber hybrids, such as Leader, Top Star, Arsina colors, and Diva.